Contact the Smiles Centre
We’re waiting for your call
If you haven’t been to see a Dentist for a while, don’t worry you’ve come to the right place! It’s really easy to join up and the staff are really friendly. All you need to do is give us a call on 01793 200036 and ask to book an appointment. You can book a Meet & Greet appointment to have a chat with one of the dental care professionals or you can book a free denture consultation.
We will call you back
It’s really easy to get in touch, even if we are not open, you can leave a message for us on our answer machine or just fill in one the forms and we’ll call you back at a more convenient time!
We Are a Safe Hands Certified Practice
Smiles Centre is certified on the Safe Hands website, for more information visit https://safehandsdental.co.uk
Opening Hours
Monday 9:am to 6pm
Tuesday 9:am to 6pm
Wednesday 9:am to 8:30pm
Thursday 9:am to 8:30pm
Friday 9:am to 5pm
Smiles Centre is all ground floor level and easy access for wheelchairs. We have a ground floor washroom with a wide door and rated as an ambulant disabled toilet.
Smiles Centre has a bus stop right out side and the number 17 bus runs from the Stratton crossroads to the town centre every 10 minutes
Situated just off of the Moonrakers roundabout. We have parking at the front of the building for a few cars and alternative parking in Co Op across the road or free car park at the church further up Beechcroft road.
Just Drop In and Book an Appointment
We’re happy to show you around
We are very proud of our facilities so I you would like to come and have a look around, you’re more than welcome and if you would like, we can book you an appointment. Why not use the virtual tour below to have a look. You’ll see that we are all ground floor level for easy access and can accommodate wheelchairs too.
Contact us by post
Write it in a letter
Somethings need to be sent by post, here’s our postal address
Smiles Centre Dental Care Swindon
3 Beechcroft Road
Wiltshire SN2 7RD
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Smiles Centre and all dental professionals employed are regulated by the General Dental Council.
The GDC is an organisation which regulates dental professionals in the United Kingdom. It keeps an up-to-date register of all qualified dentists and other dental care professionals. More information can be found here:
“We are a growing company and are always looking for great people to join our team if you are interested in working at Smiles Centre, please get in touch. There is a form you can fill out and then we will be in touch”
Morgan Fleet, Practice Manager
Smiles Centre, Swindon
Hi, do you take children age 6 and 8. They have seen an NHS dentist since birth but I am registered with you and would like them to register with yourselves.
If you do accept juniors, at what cost?
Hello Catherine, yes we do take children of any age! Under 3 are free and under 18 are half price. Their first checkup will be free when they register anyway but we sometimes apply fluoride if you wish which is just £10
I won the draw months ago for the free whitening programme, so I attended an appointment and the dentist technician checked my teeth and said a bit of work had to be done first, I have now had my teeth maintained now, he said come back when done and we will proceed to do the whitening, so when is it convenient to come by for my winners prize which was promised?
Thanks Kev
Hello Kev, just call and make an appointment for a Monday with Charles then we will get the ball rolling for you
01793 722266
ok thanks stuart 🙂
Hi I haven’t been to a dentist for a year but do I get mine free as I’m on income support
Hi, I have multiple things I would love to have done, top and bottom lip fillers definitely, teeth whitening, definitely, ..what would that roughly work out to be on a monthly plan. My teeth are quite good, but my gums are receding now, is there anything than can be done for this? Would dentures would a good option?
Not dentures, IMPLANTS!
Hi Julia, sorry for a such a long delay.
Do you still require help with this matter?
Hi I’m so nervous even writing this I’m shaking I have serious dental problems I have a mass build up of tartar that has encased bottom teeth size of 2chunks of chocolate only way I can describe it I’m so embarrassed its really affecting my life and I have no top teeth at all and can’t wear my denture as I have a bad gag reflex and there to big and I have osteoporosis which is severe I’m embarrassed to even go to a dentist
sorry for such a late reply, have been in to see us Tina?
Hello i came in earlier to see Simon regarding my new denture. We was discussing about a lighter fit denture which costs an extra £500. He needs to know my decision as to whether to go ahead with this lighter denture before the next time I’m due to come back for more treatment etc.
After discussing with my husband he said it’s ok to go ahead to creating the denture which will be lighter even though costs a lot more. Apparently it’s going to be my Xmas prezzie lol ?
From Tigi
Was great to see you yesterday Tigi. Thanks for letting us know i’ll make sure its in your notes 😀