
A Baby’s Oral Health Guide

Let’s look at all there is to cover on the topic of cleaning a baby’s gums, how you can teach great dental habits to your children with this baby’s oral health guide.


Baby’s oral health guide – cleaning a baby’s gums


baby's oral health guide - cleaning a baby's gums


Can you brush a baby’s gums?


The answer to ‘can you brush a baby’s gum’s?’ is fairly simple, and it is YES, you can! 


For this, we would recommend brushing a baby’s gums between 3-6 months old, or when they start getting teeth. You should use a soft bristle brush/silicone finger brush with baby toothpaste.


When to begin brushing a baby’s gums


In short, whenever you feel you and your baby are ready. However, some dentists would say as soon as possible to start brushing your baby’s gums. But it is a matter of preference for you as the parent and/or guardian.


It is up to you to decide when you should start brushing your baby’s gums. And Smiles has you covered for when you do with the steps below


It’s important, especially for a first time parent, we all want what is best for our babies and children, and if you decide to start brushing you baby’s gums, no one should judge due to the fact you are putting your child first and the child’s heath first – don’t worry at all!


How to brush a baby’s gums


  • Research first, always do you research if you are a first time parent, you would want the best for you baby and what would be considered as the best.
  • Order what ever is the best such as a silicone finger brush as it is gentle for the baby.
  • As the baby teeth grow in and develop, a soft bristle toothbrush you can use and actually if you give the toothbrush to the toddler they’ll get into the habit of brushing their teeth.
  • Baby toothpaste or suitable toothpaste for young children especially the toothpaste has to be fluoride free (no-fluoride) or just water.
  • Bare in mind that all baby’s are different and their teeth and gums are unique but still follow the development process.

Simply giving the baby the toothbrush to play with and explore will make the process of brushing teeth a lot more enjoyable.



What can Smile Centre do for you?


Thank you for reading our baby’s oral health guide, but the help doesn’t just top there…


At Smiles we provide dental care to the entire family (saving you money, stress, and effort while we do the work in ensuring that your family is well cared for, both physically and mentally). Contact Smiles today for a FREE initial consultation.


Not convinced? Check out our YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/c/SmilescentreCoUk) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/smilescentre) for testimonials form our patients whose felt their treatment is “life-changing” and “worth every penny“.


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