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Book a Denture MOT with Simon

online denture consultation

Better Fitting Dentures

If your dentures are not fitting properly it could be having a number of detrimental effects on your health and happiness. It might be that you need to replace your denture but sometimes it’s possible to make alterations and adjustments to a denture to improve the fitting, our clinical technicians can undertake a denture MOT for you, they will carry a full seven point check and then discuss the findings with you. Your mouth is very important, this service is just £35 so why not book your appointment today?

7 Point Denture MOT

Drawing (36)Check denture fit
Drawing (36)Clean dentures
Drawing (36)Small alterations
Drawing (36)Suggest improvements
Drawing (36)Check your bite
Drawing (36)Assess jaw function
Drawing (36)Oral hygiene advice

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